welcome to the inaugural The World Is My Oyster post.
I’m your host, Hannah Lehmann. Every week I want to dive into peoples recommendations, because to me, it’s fun, and I like learning about what people are jazzed about.
First up - mine. Lets get into them:
hannah on instagram and letterboxed
As a person who is age [redacted] I spend a lot of time looking at my skin and wondering how long it will be until I am no longer young and beautiful. I have been wondering this for the last 6 years, and anyone who knows me knows that i am dead-set against finding out. I have a rigorous skincare regime that I love to talk about and recently I have been dipping my toes into the wonderful world of lymphatic drainage. It is good for the lymph node system, and I have also been led to believe via tiktok that you can get a snatched face by pummeling your firsts into your cheeks for 10 minutes a day. I think it is working. Its not unlike gua-sha, just better because you use your hands, and somehow that makes it more organic. ANYWAY - before drainage, I recommend lathering your face with a premium FACE OIL. Now I don’t want to get carried away on the actual logistics of my lymphatic drainage and skin care regime, as it should be its own newsletter, but the point is - I have recently started using B Oil from The Ordinary. It smells like a beautiful swamp - what Shrek’s swamp must smell like after Fiona moved in. its earthy and green, and I call it my Shrek Oil. I love it.
💾 Halt And Catch Fire
This is premium television at its finest! During Sydney's lockdown, my fiancé and I became absolutely obsessed with this series, and I am truly shooketh that my contemporaries have either not watched it or have written it off as not for them because its about computers. Here is the log line:
“Follows some players in the 80s technological revolution that lead to information society.”
Wow! But also I couldn’t talk about this show without throwing in the fact that it stars:
Lee Pace. Firstly, the absolute thirst that this man has whipped up in my house is what I would call frenzy level. Time is divided by ‘before @leeepfrog’ and ‘after leeepfrog’. Almost everyday I scour the internet for new Lee Pace information/articles and most importantly, imagery, so that I can text them to Adam. Alternatively, he will text me to remind me to send him any new tidbits. He will then call me on his lunch break and we will gloat about the Lee Pace information we have exchanged like greedy little children. It’s becoming a ritual that I hope we will pass down to our children one day. Lee Pace is, more importantly, an absolutely incredible actor who plays a BI KING in this series. Truly, fantastic representation for fellow bisexuals.
It’s on BINGE or SBS On Demand in Aus.
If I learned anything over lockdown, it’s that I hate being inside. I’m outdoorsy in that I like to be hiking, but my running sneakers are just not cutting it in the wilderness. BUT, as a freelance/for hire writer who is still owed several invoices (😐) do i want to lash out and invest in a pair of extra gorpy Salomon’s purely for hiking? The answer is no - enter Decathlon. Now I’ll be honest, I haven’t gone hiking in these yet, but come next week i’ll be trekking the Kosciusko national park trails in these cute little booties. In the meantime, I’ve tried them on with all the different socks I think I’ll wear on the trip and feel very good about my purchase. I picked up the mens version, because its 2021 and apparently outdoors megastores still believe in gendered clothing items. $45 on sale at Decathlon.
🕰️ Sydney City Online Archives
The City Of Sydney Archives. I fucking LOVE history and learning, and as a visual learner, the archives are incredibly my shit. There are tons of old photos and summaries about different suburbs of Sydney and notable figures, starting from when this land was colonised, to very recently. Its not all nice, obviously, but it does offer an in depth and interesting look into the city. I'm a very nostalgic person, and can often whittle away hours here when I'm supposed to be doing other things.
🥗 The cauliflower salad at the shakey
I had this the other day and it fucking slapped. Pair with a pink galah and you're off to the races. One of Sydney’s best pubs.
😴 Aesop Ginger Flight Therapy Oil
I call this my sleepy oil because I cannot sleep without it. Roll it on your temples and wrists.
🐈 Strawberry Ice Kit-Cat Klock
Something so gauche about this clock. I love him. Also the name reminds me of those delicious coconut/strawberry logs you used to get from god - honest small town bakeries - yum yum!
🦅 367 Collins Falcons Livestream
I almost didn't include this one because the livestream is going to be turned off TODAY - but to me, there has been something so soothing about watching the endangered peregrine falcons lay and hatch their chicks on the ledge of a very high building in Melbourne. Is it their blissful unawareness? Maybe it's watching these birdies go from wee bebe's to scary hunters in the span of a few weeks. The thrill of seeing them take their first steps. Might be the most maternal I’ll ever be tbh - and yes, I work from home. But I think the most soothing thing about this is that there are always other anonymous people watching. Who are they? Why are they watching? Where are they watching from? It doesn't matter I suppose - we are all witnessing the miracle of life. Anyway if you missed out this year you can tune in next year when the breeding season starts again. But to tide you over till then - here is a short clip of the falcon with her eggs when the Melbourne earthquake hit a few weeks ago.
***UPDATE - have just found out that the livestream was cut off early because one of the falcons sadly died. Such is the circle of life - the falcon youtube community is very upset:
Pour one out tonight for him 🕊️
The CBD will slowly become the new Taylor Square scene wise.
Intimations by Zadie Smith
And that’s all they wrote! Phew this was a long one.
Thanks for tuning in. Will have more tasty tips next week. xoxo